
  • circles

    flat universe.you run circles around self.you etch my names in the deep soil,where I am.without you,without the firey shadows you cast in my language,and the clock I cannot ignore:only then,would we be truly lost. Peru, 2015

  • beacon

    mountains golden green cast outand breathe their wordless songinto a once eternal silence. humble beaconto all ground yet to raiseits breathless voiceto the dark, its timeless cry,to the dark, its sacred heart,to the dark. listen. listen. Peru, 2015

  • held

    tips of bruised fingerssink like treesdeep and harshinto the strange, heavy earthof temples cracked and bleedingtowards the Sun. Peru, 2015

  • gentle

    the gentle handneeds nothingbut restand restit will findin privateNever-touchedwaters. Peru, 2015

  • sacred river

    where is my sacred riverwhose heart beats with minewho sinks love into deep inner valleys to remain blessed and unspokenbeneath the steady, glowing, whispering surfacethe soft reflected greens and brownsof the dry, heaving mountainsthe deep-rooted treeswho crowd my path? Peru, 2015

  • mountain

    by daythe mountain finiteunder light of fierce Sunstands over the pilgrim,fearsome protector of eternalskies too large to be lived. by nightthe mountain deepest black onsoft grey darknessreveals itself,cavernous portalinto shimmering new skiesbreathed up from solid Earth. a dreamtime traillit by strange new lightinto seas of invisible stars the pilgrim might hope,this night, to know. Peru,…

  • beckoning wilderness

    to be that manwho criesand smileson greetinganothersweeps soft the beckoning wilderness of handsin hands Peru, 2015

  • home

    do not listenor open your heart. ignore the shape of their lips and their eyestheir skin smooth against yoursthe exact and unerring conviction. their world knows no belonging.it is not your home. it is a rampant fiction creeping up and around,and throughthe flesh,an impossible,groping,prison:a place apart, where none could ever be.a dead end, in the…

  • lifeblood

    a lifeblood glows, a sun,in tiny spirals make a journey,’long a short and endless moment lit, (the light! the light!)by shadows,black, and cast, somehow,away, and back, to one. circa 2014

  • frontier

    today I saw the trees the clear air bleeding black and greenfor a thrashing new ground under the radiant blue darknessof ancient skiesstill, as they turn. circa 2014