
  • new worlds

    I usually avoid writing up dreams where my recall of the central thrust of the dream is poor. Here, I thought I’d give it a little shot. The order of events is hazy. I often wonder if this is because time is a more fluid medium in a dream state. Conversely, I often wonder whether…

  • alignment

    I am driving at night along Dandenong Road in Melbourne’s south east, on my way to meet an Asian woman, an online date. I arrive at the address, number 750, to find a commercial building. An Asian man is being escorted from the front door by a glamorously dressed Asian woman. This is apparently a…

  • extreme flight experience

    As occurs so often in my dreams, I find myself once again sat in an aeroplane in trouble. It has not long taken off, and is struggling to maintain thrust in its ascent. It dips and rises in spurts. I wonder how we are still airborne. I see the terrain ahead of us. A mountain…

  • pregnant

    This is another dream with an unusual sequence of events. Frustratingly my recall is somewhat limited, for both the details and the complexity of the felt state, so this account is just what I can piece together. But hopefully I can paint some kind of picture. It was a very strong dream. I find myself…

  • tarantula

    I run a taxi service for the disabled and elderly near my high school. I deliver an elderly couple to their nearby home and help them inside with their luggage. The man discusses his heart surgery. A strange “creature” is perched on the window sill. Similar in size and shape to a kitchen sponge, only…

  • the nothing

    I am standing on a dusty playing field in a remote mountain setting somewhere in the developing world. Local children are scattered around. I see a frisbee descending to the ground ahead of me and consider taking it on my walk. When it lands I notice that it is a heavy wooden object, not flat…

  • church, Eiffel Tower, survival skills

    This is a long dream entry, and perhaps not especially exciting to the reader. But the felt sense was very elevated, excited, ambitious, and primitive. And the trajectory of events is quite curious. I find myself working in an unusual church. A service will shortly begin. The staff seem very confused and disorganised. The woman…

  • surrender

    I am witnessing an aircraft experiencing critical difficulties, a life-long recurrent motif. It is spinning along its horizontal axis as it comes down. I notice it has rotors on top like a helicopter, and wonder why I’ve never seen such a plane, and what purpose it serves. The plane finally makes a controlled crash landing…

  • fronds

    the dreaming sent mea wise manwith a weather-worn facethe warmest eyesthe truest smile. and he told me this: “we must live lifewith our fronds swept outbehind our headsnot out in front of our facesshielding us from the Wind.” the felt sensation of the dream was clear.life exists in the friction betweenour body and its environment.life…

  • the dreaming

    I sigh, and plead with hoped-for allies,for tools, knowledge, skills,for wit, charm, poise; for passion; for some unique quality and confidence and persuasivenessof voice or regard or movement or thought or turn of phrase; for humility; all this to honour the deep-felt callto channel the surging waters of the dreamingout across the overworld,out into all…